Friday, October 06, 2006

The Tea Shop

Tea Shop - 5
Tea Shop - 5,
originally uploaded by haikuluke.
Those who know me lately know that I'm: anxious AND i drink a lot of coffee. You could reverse those and claim cause and effect. Either way. BUT all these things in my life are changing slightly at the moment.

For instance: I am drinking tea a lot, and I feel like it is different entirely.

I have a job to go to today and that is also different entirely

it is really cold

i feel that yes i have too much yet to get done, but the pressure is lightened.

TEA is good for you. I like white teas and oolong, probably because they are expensive and it makes me think they are fancy.

I took a lens off my old (real) camera and taped it backwards to my digital camera. I don't know why I did this, I just wanted to see what might happen. Well, it kind of turned the whole thing in to a magnifying glass of sorts and hence, the macro pictures are amazing. that's all you can do with a second lens taped to your camera, but nonetheless, its neat.


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