Thursday, January 27, 2005

pay per pre view

so here i am at the blue danube again, kinda numb really. Excited about playing again, and seeing my brother.

but recently I experienced a loss that hit home and that I kind of want to write about later, but in short, Walnut is missing. And it has been really sad for Kate and I. So send vibes to Walnut to come home.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

it moves on and i do to

Just kind of doing a lot of things, making it through the January. I got some stickers from cafepress today and I'm into to giving them at my show next Thursday the 27th. I love having packaged copies of Blue Star available to send out to the world, and am trying to maximize my efforts there.

I've never been the type (for some stupid reason, modesty, insecurity?) to just mail out my CD to everyone in the world and hope that someone cares. I know its not the most practical strategy, but it always seems like that is how it happens for some people, the initial connections at least. I can't for the life of me really think of any record labels nowadays that consistently put out music that is along my lines. Maybe you have some ideas there.

The interesting world of Mendocino moves along. All is well and not well, change hangs in the air. I would certainly hope that I get it all together to go on our much anticipated tour/road trip this April. I know that we are needing a dose of both inspiration and the real world. (whatever that is)

Saturday, January 15, 2005

ESA Portal - New images from Titan

ESA Portal - New images from Titan

I've been watching 'From The Earth To The Moon' for the past few nights, and it is amazing to think about how inspired we can become by the exploration of the world. This kind of thing is so exciting to me. Check out the audio samples of what it sounds like to fly through Titan's atmosphere. Its not very wow inspiring, but you can imagine being there and realize that humans sent a spaceship there and feel pretty neat about the whole thing.

Monday, January 10, 2005


Austin Booth

My friend Austin has some nice pictures on his site right now. You should check it.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

the storms have been piling clouds on

For days it has been raining and raining. About an hour ago the sun came out for the first time in a long while. It was like a rush of endorphins for me. I had been huffing and hauling wood down the hill to my cabin and then chopping it up and then stacking it and I got all out of breath and then I noticed the sun shining. Very nice.

Crazy storm patterns though, interesting enough if you think about climate change.

It makes me mad in the end that there was no warning system for the tsunami that has devastated SE Asia... it makes me mad that something so crucial and preventable was overlooked. We can learn a lot from this, or we can just be sad about it.

I've been honestly trying to detach myself from the news in general lately... its (as usual) so depressing.

Yes its great that ONE senator had the... oh the GALL to question the Bush regime election TACTICS, but, ONE?! and really, once again, as in "Rathergate", doesn't this seem a bit misdirected, the blame? Thank you Karl Rove, I suppose. And thank you, fellow Americans, for your willingness to cooperate.

I feel American, but I suppose in the more traditional way: loving my freedom, glad to have the rights that I have, glad to live in THIS country frankly. But not in the modern way: I'm not proud of the limp and lukewarm passions that prevail, not proud of the roll over and let it pass attitude that most people maintain (for sanity of course)...

I think that the United States is a great country, I think that there still is not a better place to live your life in the world... but we're kind of like prescription drug addicts, together, as a collective consciousness, oblivious to the roots of our problems, and obsessed with the symptoms.