Monday, October 09, 2006

October Country

Up late last night, endlessly reading Kafka On The Shore, last book read was 'no country for old men' by cormac mccarthy and before that 'the first horseman' by john case. well, a strange mix of literature, a strange obsession with reading lately. an escape within an escape i suppose.

On the road out to Bridgeport State Park, only to find the road is closed. No troubles, drove down and past the signs and found a nice spot cropped out looking over the river.

On a sunny day the sound of the distant river moves from one ear to the other without pattern yet hypnotizing.

I spent the afternoon lying on my tailgate, listening, watching, thinking, absorbing the sun, reading, and taking pictures.

I'm such a loner lately, but that's ok I think for now. Its how I've always been. nothing new there. Sometimes I think I just need to appreciate that so that I can appreciate my friends and friends yet to be. Or just so I can appreciate my own identity, and find solace in that. I think there is nothing wrong with a little solace in that. I wish I had more time to put into it, and that more people found that to be valuable in some way.

Tonight just letting time flow around me. Very quiet. Back and forth between books and wine and this computer.

October time.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Bachelor Days

Dracaena - 4
Dracaena - 4,
originally uploaded by haikuluke.
The Yankees and Tigers are on the TV, I don't know why I'm letting myself sit here watching it, but I am and I never do so that's that. Last night's beer bottles on the table. Lunch? Bread and cheese.

Kate left on the road today to go visit family in Sebastopol and then to head up to Portland to visit that fair city. Her sister and nephew are along for the ride.

And so I'm on my own in Nevada City for the week. I've got an album to finish, things to work on, but I will miss Kate. I'm a lucky guy with her in my life and I feel that when she goes.

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Tea Shop

Tea Shop - 5
Tea Shop - 5,
originally uploaded by haikuluke.
Those who know me lately know that I'm: anxious AND i drink a lot of coffee. You could reverse those and claim cause and effect. Either way. BUT all these things in my life are changing slightly at the moment.

For instance: I am drinking tea a lot, and I feel like it is different entirely.

I have a job to go to today and that is also different entirely

it is really cold

i feel that yes i have too much yet to get done, but the pressure is lightened.

TEA is good for you. I like white teas and oolong, probably because they are expensive and it makes me think they are fancy.

I took a lens off my old (real) camera and taped it backwards to my digital camera. I don't know why I did this, I just wanted to see what might happen. Well, it kind of turned the whole thing in to a magnifying glass of sorts and hence, the macro pictures are amazing. that's all you can do with a second lens taped to your camera, but nonetheless, its neat.